New (and some old) maps of Gaza

While the world turns its eyes away from the Gaza crisis, Israel continues to violate its unilaterally declared ceasefire and many Gazans are still without water, medical care, and electricity.

The damage in the Gaza Strip is horrifying.

More maps show the progression of damage in Gaza during Israel’s latest offensive as well as the damage in Gaza City.

If we look at some more maps, we are reminded that the violence, the destruction, the oppression in Gaza are not new…

loss-of-palestinian-land .

Palestinian villages depopulated and razed by Israel in 1948 and 1967.

Palestinian refugees.

The apartheid wall.

The Gaza Strip in 2007.

Israel has constructed its map of the region, its borders, its territory through the use of force, by fighting wars and building walls. The effects are more than just lines on a map, and in the last 25 days those effects include 1317  dead Palestinians, including 419 dead children, and 5340 injured.

In our work we are committed to creating maps that open up space, tear down walls, destroy borders, maps that create connections between people and places, maps that challenge oppression and inequality.  The new map of Gaza is not out of our hands  – there are things we all can do as academics , taxpayers, and consumers.

And if you have more maps of Gaza or the Palestinian struggle please send them in…