Counter\Mapping Queen Mary University

Summer and Fall 2010, 3Cs collaborated with students at Queen Mary University in London to produce Counter\mapping QMary: finding your way through borders and filters. The map + board game tracks border policy, labor conditions on campus, resistance movements, and helps us re-orient ourselves within, against and beyond the filtering mechanisms of the modern British research university. All with rad techno-baroque stylings! This map was inspired by all those who resist the border, our experiences of education and our migrations from various locations on and off it.

*Update* Lateral has also published web versions of the map & game, and on their versions you can actually play the game online! They’re all part of an interview with the Counter\mapping QMU team.

You can find high-res PDFs at the links below:

  Counter\mapping Queen Mary (map side) (5.0 MiB, 7,976 hits)

  Counter\mapping Queen Mary (game side) (2.8 MiB, 6,014 hits)

Or view the web-viewable versions below:

You need Flash to view this version of the DG. Get Flash, or download a PDF from the links above.

You need Flash to view this version of the DG. Get Flash, or download a PDF from the links above.