Category Archives: disOrientation Guides

Counter\Mapping Queen Mary University

Summer and Fall 2010, 3Cs collaborated with students at Queen Mary University in London to produce Counter\mapping QMary: finding your way through borders and filters. The map + board game tracks border policy, labor conditions on campus, resistance movements, and helps us re-orient ourselves within, against and beyond the filtering mechanisms of the modern British research university. All with rad techno-baroque stylings! This map was inspired by all those who resist the border, our experiences of education and our migrations from various locations on and off it.

*Update* Lateral has also published web versions of the map & game, and on their versions you can actually play the game online! They’re all part of an interview with the Counter\mapping QMU team.

You can find high-res PDFs at the links below:

  Counter\mapping Queen Mary (map side) (5.0 MiB, 7,976 hits)

  Counter\mapping Queen Mary (game side) (2.8 MiB, 6,014 hits)

Or view the web-viewable versions below:

You need Flash to view this version of the DG. Get Flash, or download a PDF from the links above.

You need Flash to view this version of the DG. Get Flash, or download a PDF from the links above.

disOrientation Guide

Over the spring and summer of 2006, 3Cs worked in collaboration with other campus and community groups to produce the first disOrientation map to UNC. Designed for incoming first-year undergraduate and graduate students, as well as new faculty, the map details UNC’s local and global ties, decentering the notion of the university as “ivory tower” and positing overlapping and conflicting notions of UNC as “… a functioning body,” “… a factory,” “… producing your world”. The map also contains gobs of useful information about courses offered at UNC, interesting community groups, even coffee shops!

You can download high-res PDFs:

  disOrientation Guide Front Side (color) (17.4 MiB, 4,576 hits)

  disOrientation Guide back side (grayscale) (3.0 MiB, 3,224 hits)

Or view the web-viewable versions below:

You need Flash to view this version of the DG. Get Flash, or download a PDF from the links above.
front side of disorientation guide

You need Flash to view this version of the DG. Get Flash, or download a PDF from the links above.
back side of disorientation guide